The cost to ship care packages is enormous so we really appreciate your support. Please feel free to share our fundraising efforts. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Join the team of America's Warriors Care Package Projects © as we raise money to send care packages to our deployed military. The drawing is for these gorgeous handmade Americana quilts which were made with love in support of our American troops on deployment.
Tickets are $5 for a single ticket or 3 tickets for $10.
There are 4 different quilts in this raffle. The first place winner gets first pick and will choose they quilt they want. The second place winner will choose from the remaining 3 quilts. The third place winner will choose from the remaining 2 quilts. The fourth place winner will receive the last quilt. Good luck to all!
Veterans - Please join us as we support those who are still "over there."
Ticket permit # 48.
© Copyright America's Warriors Care Package Projects